Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Black Jelly Bracelets

TITTY ....

Gaetana're getting dangerous ... and then I say ...... poor us and ... whose turn it is sad.

Anyways', we must also say that we are somewhat accustomed to these thy follies that then make us have fun and let's put it this way ', there are people who pay money of money to have a caricature done by a good signing and we manage to get it for free with Gaetana.

I do not have seen a lot of Rai 'cause I'm out but I'm happy that the programs are set up for this event, the best and' the whole record and besides dosarselo to taste. It 'history, our Italian history which many are not familiar with .

I saw that on this occasion and 'release that would like to buy a good book to give to my nephew, while American blood in his veins too Italian and not be forgotten.

News from Japan are alarmist, I think the whole world is moving to give aid but it 's too big a catastrophe which has incredible.

I have to say to Lucy that Letizia and her 'really a beautiful creature, the house began to empty, but luckily there are connections via Skype to help fill the void left.

Ivan continues its silence, and I hope all is well for you. Hello Anna

your beautiful new nose carry it with ease, congratulations.

has' made dinner time and then greet you.
hello to all.

you tt y


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